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- Beyond Beginner Beekeeping
Beyond Beginner Beekeeping
How & Why it's time to level up//Issue 008

Welcome back to The Beekeeper’s Blueprint! Or perhaps this is your first time here. Welcome! 😉
The focus of this week is How you can move past the beginning stage of beekeeping, so that you get the MOST out of your beekeeping experience!
Everything I have for you today will give lead you to Real Demonstration & Advice at my YouTube Channel: The Hive Doctor, after each section.
Beekeeping is an experiential-based skill and I want to help you in the best ways that I can.
Here’s an outline of today’s beekeepery things for you:
-Beyond Beginner Beekeeping: It’s time to level up-
#1- The Rut and why it’s time to move forward.
#2- Recommendations & how to Level up your Beekeeping Game!
Now let’s get into the core of each point! The world of beekeeping is waiting for you!

Point #1- The Rut and why it’s time to move forward in beekeeping.
Coming up with the topic for this post (and the correlating YouTube video here) was a result of asking myself a couple of important questions:
Why is my book, The Intuitive Beekeeper: Beyond Master Beekeeping not on the top search results on Google or Amazon?
…and two, What are my teaching goals for beekeeping? Why do I have a YouTube channel and who is it really for?
The answers to these two questions came immediately after realizing one simple thing which I am about to share with you.

My Thumbnail of the video for beginners showing one method of how to install a package of bees.

So the answer to both of my questions came to me when I realized that the books AND videos that came up the most in a Google search and YouTube search for beekeeping had ONE THING in common: The word “beginner” was in the title of everything!
The Rut:
That got me to thinking and then coming to the conclusion that beekeeping is stuck in the beginner level. Constant struggle. Constant guessing. Constantly never moving forward. We basically have two levels right now: Beginner and Advanced commercial beekeepers with a HUGE gap in between.

This is a lot to take in!
This helped me to understand where I am coming from in my own teaching style. It has always been my goal to improve, grow, expand and continue the path of knowledge and beekeeping experience.
My purpose for writing my books and running my YouTube channel have been to help beginners move past beginner beekeeping.
My book doesn’t come up on top searches because the word “beginner” isn’t in the title! However, it is in fact designed for all levels of beekeeper.
We need to move Forward:
It’s time to move out and move forward in our beekeeping operations no matter the level: hobbyist or small-scale, for TWO very important reasons:
Mastery & Expertise: It’s time to close the gap and become our own teachers, referring to other more experienced beekeepers only for the purpose of growing rather than to see “if we’re doing it right.”
Adaptability & Growth: As we begin to push past the beginner level, we become more adaptable, able to help those behind us also push forward and begin to grow into the unknowns of beekeeping with a sense of wonder and expectation of something new and exciting!
Point #2- Recommendations on how to level up your beekeeping.
Okay, so how do we actually do this? How can we move forward and get unstuck from this murky rut of stuckness? I’m glad you asked 😉

Two simple ways to begin leveling up in beekeeping:
Start looking for books that DO NOT have the word “beginner” in the title. Beginner books have their place but after a while they simply regurgitate the same old stuff like a mamma bird does worms to its baby birds. Here are some examples:
These books are ones that I have chosen and hand-picked for one very simple reason: to get you to begin thinking about beekeeping differently; to begin seeing beekeeping from an entirely different perspective.
The second thing is to begin watching videos that are not tailored for beginners (unless you truly are beginning). Of course, my channel is designed for this but there are others as well. I recommend watching The Canadian Beekeeper’s Blog (YouTube). This guy is a thinker; quickly testing whether something will work or not. He runs LOTS of hives and as a result of operating at a big level, he has to THINK at a big level too! Perhaps something he does, or others like him, could be applied to your smaller operation.

Enjoying what you’re reading so far? Check out my book: The Intuitive Beekeeper, Beyond Master Beekeeping by clicking the picture below!

Available at Amazon.com & Barnes & Noble.

Click the picture and see what HiveAlive has for your bees! I use this stuff year-round with very satisfying results.
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom 😉. I want to hear from you!
