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- Sourwood Honey time!
Sourwood Honey time!
Prepping for the next Flow//Issue 017

Welcome back to The Beekeeper’s Blueprint! Or perhaps this is your first time here. Welcome! 😉
The focus of this week is What I am currently working on as a Beekeeper, so that you get the MOST out of your beekeeping experience!
Everything I have for you today will give lead you to Real Demonstration & Advice at my YouTube Channel: The Hive Doctor, after each section when applicable.
Beekeeping is an experiential-based skill and I want to help you in the best ways that I can.
Here’s an outline of today’s beekeepery things for you:
-What I am doing to Prepare for the upcoming Nectar Flow-
#1- Pulling my Spring Wildflower crop.
#2- Checkerboarding New frames with Drawn frames.
#3- Prepping for Online Sales.
#4- Writing another Book (sneak peak 😉)
Now let’s get into the core of each point! The world of beekeeping is waiting for you!

Point #1- Pulling my Spring Wildflower honey.
So at the moment I am working towards getting the rest of my spring wildflower honey pulled and extracted within the next week.
I need to do this quickly for two reasons:
#1- The Sourwood flow will be starting VERY soon! In fact, it’s already begun blooming on the other side of the mountain and my location is about 10 days later than there.
#2- I need the frames in my honey supers that were drawn out with beeswax during the spring flow so that I can use them for my Sourwood flow.
In addition to these two reasons, I want to get this wildflower harvested quickly and get it ready for sale online. In the past I usually sell at markets and wholesale to local retailers but I really want to focus on selling through my website and make that a successful avenue for marketing my honey.
You can learn more about my honey and see when it’s available through my website: BeeNativeHoney.com.

Some of my fresh Appalachian Wildflower available with my book at a local retailer!!

Point #2- Checkerboarding New frames with Drawn frame (why?).
The reason that I need to get my wildflower extracted quickly before the Sourwood flow is because Sourwood is a high dollar honey. It is highly sought after because it is SO good!
It’s only made in the tri-state area of Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia but my area of Georgia has been recognized as the best and most prolific source. I don’t want my bees using resources to make wax to draw out a ton of bare frames on a high-dollar crop.
Having those frames ready will allow me to checkerboard the drawn frames with new, un-drawn frames so that my honey supers will become filled with Sourwood honey faster!

IDK wha this means but it says hives and honey so I like it.

Point #3- Prepping for Online sales!
As I mentioned earlier, I want to focus more with selling my honey online. Here’s how I am prepping for that:
I have my website set up with a shopping page showing varieties and sizes available.
My website is also set up for secure payments.
The descriptions for each variety of honey is easily available.
I have ordered a scale for weighing my orders so that I can calculate a fair shipping rate.
Speaking of shipping, I use Pirate Ship to get discounted rates on shipping for each of my customers. (get it? Pirate “ship” because I’m shipping stuff!) Arrrre you going to laugh?
I really want my customers to know what they’re getting when they buy my honey. There really is nothing like my Spring Wildflower and my Sourwood honey out there.
I want to set up my website to help everyone know that a bottle of honey is only as good as the beekeeper’s practices that made it.

Point #4- Writing my next book (sneak peak)!!
Yep, that’s right! I am writing another book and I am so excited about it! It’s going to help so many beekeepers of ALL levels and in ANY location no matter where they live!
How can I do this? Because of several secrets that I have learned from the bees that all bees and beekeepers have in common! Secrets that will be revealed in time 😉.
Here’s the sneak peak part: This book is going to break down WHAT to do, WHEN to do it and WHY! No more guesswork in beekeeping, it’s my job to take the guesswork OUT of beekeeping so that all beekeepers can enjoy what they’re doing instead of the alternatives.

Thanks for reading 😉
Enjoying what you’re reading so far? Check out my book: The Intuitive Beekeeper, Beyond Master Beekeeping by clicking the picture below!

Click the picture and see what HiveAlive has for your bees! I use this stuff year-round with very satisfying results.
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom 😉. I want to hear from you!
